martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Album 1 Invisible Light


Scientist has formed ideas of how light travels, they explines that light travels in tiny bundles of energy, the human eye pick up many photons of light in and instant, now we know that there wavelenghts of lights that we dont see. Together these wavelenghts are called electromagnetic spectrum.

Radio Waves

The Radio Waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelenghts in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light. Like all other electromagentic waves, they travel at the speed of light. Naturraly-occuring radio waves are made by lightining, or by astronomical objects.Radio Waves are longest waves of electromagentic spectrum carry signals in codes (AM/FM).


Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelenghts ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimeter.Are short waves radio waves;water and food absorve microwaves readily.A microwave oven uses electromagnetic waves, too.

Infrared Light

Infrared light is electromagnetic radiation wavelenghts are longer than that of visible light. Infrared means "just beyond red ."Infrared waves are next to visible red waves in the spectrum. When you stand in sunlight, it is the Sun´s infrared waves that arm you. All objeects give off infrared waves, depending on their temperatures. Warmer objects give off more infrared waves than cooler objects do. Special photographic film and electronic sensors can be used to detect infrared light.

Blu - Ray

Blu -Ray (official abbreviation BD) is an opticaldisc storage medium designed to supersede then started DVD format. The nanme Blue - Ray Disc derives from the "blue laser" used to read the disc.

Gamma Radiation

Gamma Radiation, also known as as gamma rays. A special"gamma camera" detects the rays and produces images of activity in the person´s brain.

Ultarviolet Light

Ultraviolet Ligh is a electromagnetic radiation with a wavelenght shorter than that visible ligh, but longer than X Rays. Ultraviolet light from the Sun can cause skin damage. Wearing sunscreens that block both long and short ultraviolet rays- UVA and UVB- can help protect you. Earth is protected from much of the Sun´s UV light by the ozone layer. The ozone layer is part of the upper atmosphere that screens out UV light.

X - Rays

X -Radiation (composed of  X - Rays) is a form electromagnetic radiation. X - Rays have a wavelenght. The amount of  X rays used at any time is carefully controlled to protect you from harm.

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